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The Trek 610E offers six modes of high-voltage operation. As a high-voltage amplifier, the Trek 610E amplifies an externally applied signal with a switch-selectable setting of 100 V/V or 1000 V/V. When used as a transconductance amplifier, an externally applied voltage signal produces a proportional output current. As a high-voltage reference supply, the Trek 610E’s front panel dial commands the output voltage, and when used as a current supply, the same dial command the output currents. The Trek 610E in controller mode maintains the high voltage amplifier mode but the amplifier input and feedback elements are uncommitted and available for user configuration.
DC-stable for programmable supply applications
Low output noise for ultra-accurate outputs
NIST-traceable calibration certificate provided with each unit
Short-circuit protection for safeguarding equipment
CE compliant
Benefit from enhanced utility via multi-mode operation
Configure as inverting, noninverting, or differential
Use in various applications, including closed-loop charge control, electrophotographic research, insulation testing, etc.
Drive capacitive loads via a four-quadrant output
Achieve high accuracy with a closed-loop system
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