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PowerMax-Pro 15 mm Sensor Developer’s Kits High-Speed and Large-Area Power Detector for Integration Inside Laser Systems,PowerMax-Pro thin-film transverse thermoelectric power sensing technology (Patent #9,012,848) offers the broad wavelength sensitivity and large dynamic range of a thermopile with the fast response speed of small infrared detectors. The microsecond response time enables nearly instant power measurement without any overshoot, and can provide pulse energy, peak power, and rise/fall time with modulated sources.
These detectors are designed for integration into laser systems for real-time QC monitoring and in-line control. PowerMax-Pro sensors alleviate issues common to semiconductor and infrared detectors that have smaller active areas and steeper spectral response curves.
High-speed 10 microsecond response time
High-power handling to 9 W
Supports lasers from 400 nm to 11 microns
Broadband coating available with flat spectral response
Large 15 mm square active area
Laser power monitoring of CW or modulated laser systems
Active feedback control within laser processing systems
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