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OP-2 high-sensitivity optical sensors are ideal for measurement in the nW to low mW level. An optional 1000:1 attenuator is available (PN 1098318) to support operation up to 5 Watts. SMA-type (PN 1098589) and FC/PC-type (PN 1098339) fiber optic adapters are available.
The sensor is terminated in a SmartProbe DB25 cable and is directly compatible with all power meters in the catalog.
Low power germanium semiconductor power sensor for measuring CW lasers between 10 nW and 10 mW.
Key Features:
10 nW to 10 mW range
10 nW to 10 mW range
Germanium detector
800 to 1800 nm spectral range
Fiber adapters available
ISO 17025 accredited
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