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The LevelVent 5 is designed to provide instantly accurate water level data, without the need for barometric compensation. If you need true water level data right on site, without running any data compensation routines, the LevelVent 5 is the right choice for your water level monitoring application.
Vented version of our popular Levelogger®
Accurate (0.05%FS) water level data
10 year battery based on 1 reading per minute
No desiccants to replace
Solinst 3 year warranty
Extremely durable vented cable(up to 500ft length)
Custom blowout fitting for easy vented cable maintenance
Complete compatibility with Levelogger accessories and Solinst telemetry systems
Ideal for deployments to 500 ft, with up to 65 ft submergence
Excellent for aquifer characterization: pumping tests, slug tests, and more
Stream gauging, lake monitoring, reservoir and dam management installations
Watershed, drainage basin and groundwater recharge monitoring
Gauged water level sensor is suited to stormwater event and runoff monitoring where rapid readings are typically required
Water supply and tank level measurement
Long-term water level monitoring in wells and surface water
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