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The Model 615 Drive-Point Piezometers use a high quality stainless steel piezometer tip, 3/4" NPT pipe for drive extensions and LDPE or PTFE sample tubing, if desired. Combine these with an inexpensive Slide Hammer and you have a complete system.
Ideal for initial site investigations
High quality stainless steel piezometer tip
Completes a simple, very cost effective well
Drives 20 to 25 ft in suitable soils
615N Simple Well Point
Water Level Monitoring and Groundwater Sampling
615 Barbed Fitting; 1/2" ID Tubing to Surface
Narrow dia. water level monitoring
High groundwater sample integrity
615C Compression Fitting; 1/4" OD Tubing to Surface
Vapor / soil gas monitoring
615S or SN Shielded Drive-Point
Avoid smearing and plugging of the screen during installation
615ML Multilevel System
High resolution vertical groundwater and soil gas profiling
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