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3A-QUAD Laser Measurement Sensor



  • Brand: OPHIR
  • Model: 3A-QUAD
  • Description: The BeamTrack series 3A-QUAD laser measurement sensor measures laser beam position well as power and energy. It has a 9.5mm aperture and can measure beam position to 0.15mm accuracy. It measures power
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Product Details

Overview of 3A-QUAD laser measurement sensor:

The BeamTrack series 3A-QUAD laser measurement sensor measures laser beam position well as power and energy. It has a 9.5mm aperture and can measure beam position to 0.15mm accuracy. It measures power from 100μW to 3W and energy from 20μJ to 2J. The sensor comes with a 1.5m cable that connects it to the electronic box, and another 0.5m cable that connects the box to a Meter or PC interface.

3A-QUAD Sensor Drawing:

Main parameters:

Absorber Type Low power broadband
Aperture ?9.5mm
Spectral Range 0.19-20μm
Power Range 100μW-3W
Energy Range 20μJ-2J
Dimensions ?70 W x 30 D (mm)
Max Pulse Energy 2J
Max Average Power Density 1kW/cm2
Response Time 1.8 s
Max Energy Density (for <100ns) 0.3J/cm2
Max Energy Density (for 2ms) 2J/cm2
Max Average Power 3W

Problem summary:

Can the BeamTrack sensor be used to measure the position and size of the pulsed laser?

Because position and size are measured together with power, if the laser pulses at a rate at which the average power can be measured, then position and size can also be measured.

Can the BeamTrack sensor be used with a pulsed laser?

This depends on the pulse frequency and also on the sensor to be used. Thermopile detectors do not have fast response time, so the frequency above 100Hz is actually the same as their CW, and all BeamTrack functions will be performed as expected. Below 100 Hz, low-power sensors typically have faster response times, so when used with pulsed lasers, they are more susceptible to fluctuations in readings. The position measurement function uses the same thermopile detector as the power reading. If the laser frequency is high enough and the sensor can provide a stable power reading without fluctuation, the position measurement function will also perform well. All BeamTrack sensors will provide reliable position measurement for pulse frequencies as low as 10 Hz. The beam size function uses a detector with faster response time. At low frequencies, dimensional measurement readings fluctuate. For laser pulse frequencies below 100 Hz, reliance on dimensional readings is not recommended. In any case, you can always try to use the laser sensor. If the readings are stable without significant fluctuations, they are reliable.


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