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The Model 2335A Wideband Power Analyzer is a precision, high accuracy, high frequency auto-ranging power analyzer which measures and displays true rms Voltage, true rms Current, and true mean Power over a frequency range from dc to more than 1MHz. Full scale Current and Voltage inputs are typically measured within ±0.1% of the amplitude reading to at least 500kHz. The corresponding Power is typically measured to within ±0.1% of the input Volt-Amperes to 250kHz and to within ±0.2% of the input Volt-Amperes to 500kHz for loads having any Power Factor.
DC to 1MHz
Inputs up to 10A and 1000V
0.2% Accuracy
Isolated inputs
Low Power Factor accuracy
Harmonic analysis
Total Harmonic Distortion
Low current ranges
USB and IEEE interface
Graphical display
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