Unmatched flexibility and performance to advance research and discovery
For many microscopy and spectroscopy applications, desired signals are often very weak, making it difficult to perform optical imaging or extract data from samples. The Moku Lock-in Amplifier allows you to efficiently extract these small signals from noise. With Multi-instrument Mode, you can detect multiple frequencies or harmonics simultaneously, with no extra equipment required. Better yet, we offer ultra-low noise performance, specified all the way down to 100 Hz.
Dual-phase demodulationr
Select between XY and Rθ coordinate modes, adjust the built-in lowpass filter corner frequency, and configure the desired demodulation source.
Integrated PID Controller
Add the optional high-speed PID Controller for closed-loop control. Adjust parameters to configure gain profiles without interrupting your measurement
Intuitive signal visualization
Monitor long-term system performance with the integrated four channel, 1.25 GSa/s Oscilloscope while you log data at up to 10 MSa/s using the built-in Data Logger.
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