Instrument Expert
Original factory packaging
Service Hotline:
WinCamD-LCM-NE CMOS Beam Profiler
WinCamD-LCM CMOS Beam Profiler
Precision LED Spotlights with Uniform Illumination – Close Range
Precision LED Spotlights with Uniform Illumination – Standard Range
WheeLED Wavelength-Switchable LED Sources (VIS-NIR)
WheeLED Wavelength-Switchable LED Sources (DUV-VIS-NIR)
Multi-Wavelength Fiber-Coupled LED Sources (up to 8 wavelengths)
LSR-040-0405 Fiber-Coupled Laser Sources
Optical Spectrometer Sensor Engine
Multi-Channel CCD Spectrometers
High-Resolution High-Stability CCD Spectrometers (UV, VIS and NIR)
Four-Channel Dual-Mode (Manual/Software) LED Controller
BLS-Series Software/TTL Controlled LED Controllers with BNC and 2-pin Aero Connectors
Universal 12- and 16- Channel Computer-Controlled LED Drivers with 5mA Current Resolution
Universal 12- and 16- Channel Computer-Controlled LED Drivers with 1mA Current Resolution
High-Current Universal 2-Channel LED Controllers with External Triggers and up to 2,000mA (CW) & 3,500mA (PWM) Output Current
High-Precision Universal 4-Channel LED Controllers with External Triggers and 0.1mA Current Resolution
Universal 4-Channel LED Controllers with External Triggers and Voltage Monitoring
Compact Universal 1- and 2- Channel LED Controllers with Software Control
SLB-Series Manual & Analog-Input Controlled Universal LED Driver with Current Display
Customer Service QQ
Customer Hotline:
Technical Supports
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